The Girls in Pinecrest

Nanny: Oh boy, there’s Aunt Carolyn. Remember Anne Carolyn? And that is Rob’s sister. Linda’s husband. Remember Rob? Rob?

Bill: I was gonna say it looks like Rob with a wig. 

Nanny: Yeah, that’s Aunt Carol. Oh my gosh. 

Dena: Her name, her name is Bonnie. Remember Bonnie? 

Nanny: And that’s in Carolyn and she looks like she has a wig on and she lived in, I think she was in Naples and there’s Jezebela. Look at Jezebel and her hand and everything. 

Bill: Did you see Suji off in the corner?

Nanny: I see Suji over to the right and that was there at, on our house on 81st Avenue. 

Dena: Yeah, I remember the floral print of that sofa. I don’t know if you could. And remember when Caroline and Dutch taught us how to play Wink and how fabulous. 

Bill: Yeah. We used to sit around in that room and there janky-ass windows that you had. 

Nanny: Oh Yeah. Oh, yeah. We had no air conditioning and just a couple of units and we only, we could put the units on if we, if we were dying of the heat, you know. Yeah. 

Dena: So when did you finally get that plate glass window? The big picture window in there. 

Nanny: Um, I, that was after Andrew because all these windows blew out. Oh, yeah, they all, they all went with Andrew. As a matter of fact, after Andrew I would walk right through them.

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